Saturday, September 4, 2010

Don't Leave Home Without It!

Each time I have taught a Fishing for Deals class, I have been adamant about reminding students to take their coupon box with them. If only I could learn this lesson myself! Two days ago I ventured to Wal-mart with our sons (ages 8 & 11). Neither likes to shop and quite frankly I haven't asked them to go with me often this summer because I'm so much faster solo and it's nice to have teenage daughters who can babysit for a nominal fee. Since I wasn't planning on purchasing items that were not on my shopping list, I left hundreds of clipped, well-organized coupons on the kitchen table. Shame on me! Wal-mart employees were marking down entire end caps! We're talking 200 Ziploc sandwich bags for $2 and 12 ct. Angel Soft for $2. Too bad my $1.50/2 & $.50 IPS had been abandoned! Please, Please, Please learn from my mistake and TAKE YOUR COUPON BOX WITH YOU!