Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coupon Swap Box

How often have you clipped coupons from your Sunday inserts and noted really great, high-dollar coupons for items your family cannot (or will not) use?  Worse yet, how often have you wanted to take advantage of an offer that requires you to purchase multiples of the same item to get the best price.   One coupon is great, but several make the deal really sweet!  One super easy way to share those unwanted coupons and pick up extras is to set up a swap box.  Find a central location (church, office break room, library, etc.) and get permission to set up the box.  Next, locate a sturdy plastic box.  Copy and print the label at the end of this post and secure this to the box.  Monthly, have someone go through all the coupons to remove expired ones. 

Thanks to Ellie Kay's Shop, Save and Share for giving me this idea several years ago!

Looking for a Coupon Swap Box?  Feel free to utilize the one at SMRBC (located at the top of the stairwell near the Welcome Center.)

Coupon Swap Box

Coupons in this box are available for everyone!
Please follow these guidelines:

• Coupons are in zipper-type sandwich bags and contain an index card with initials written on it.

• Please take a bag and remove the coupons you want from that bag. DO NOT ADD NEW COUPONS TO AN EXISTING BAG.

• Put coupons you want to donate in a new bag and include an index card with your initials at the top. Place the new bag in the swap box.

• In the future, only select bags without your initials on the index cards. (You have already looked thru the other cards.)

• Have fun! If you have questions, please contact _____________ at ______________