For those who would like pick up items for the freezer and pantry at a great price, yet don't have time to do a lot of comparison shopping, consider ordering from Angel Food Ministries. This organization purchases food then distributes through various churches. The food is NOT out-of-date, damaged or seconds. The cost is low because most of the workers are volunteers and items are boxed and distributed immediately, thus avoiding the cost of rental space.
A couple of years ago, I did a very detailed cost comparison. I concluded that these boxes were similar to deals you would find if you bought each and every item at the lowest sale price and used whatever coupons were available. I also noted purchasing boxes of food from Angel Food Ministries could save shoppers a lot of time. Because boxes are for specific items each month, one should view the menu and consider whether the items included are foods her family would actually eat. If there are multiple items that will never be consumed, there may not be an incentive to ordering boxes.
As this organization has grown, more options are being offered. Consumers can order the boxes for families, seniors (also suitable for those with diabetes) or those on a GLUTEN FREE diet. Also available are boxes of meat, seafood or fruit and vegetables. Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner boxes are on this month's menu.
To order, go to Angel Food Ministries to find a location near you. View the menu and make your selection(s). You do not have to meet any income restriction to qualify, however those receiving SNAP (food stamps) can pay with these. Note the distribution date to avoid ordering food you won't be able to collect. November 11th is the deadline for ordering this month.
NOTE: Boxes can be a blessing to others. Order an extra for someone who is struggling financially, or an elderly person who has difficulty cooking for one (or two). Boxes can also be given as Christmas gifts or in conjuction with other items for a family you may have "adopted" for the holidays.