Whether your child has a list a mile long or rather short one, he's already decided on at least one thing that will make Christmas complete. (Remember how much Ralphie wanted that BB Gun!) What's a mom to do?
- Make sure you know what this item is. When they were smaller, we let each kid make a list, yet could only ask Santa for a single item.
- Be frank, even little kids can be told an item costs a lot of money. Of course one of my children pointed out that "Santa makes all the toys." I explained that he would have to pay for the materials though. I also noted she wouldn't want to be greedy. As my children have gotten older, we have been frank about the price range we are aiming for. We use this time to discuss budgeting and setting priorities. I encourage you to start with modest Christmases when your children are little, so they won't be expecting cars when they turn sixteen.
- Lock them in as early as possible. The kids usually sat on the jolly old elf's lap the day before Thanksgiving. (Giving me ample time to find the best price on this special gift.)
- Go online and comparison shop (Walmart, ToysRUs, Target, Kmart, Amazon...) for the best price. Unless this is one of the hottest toys this season, wait a little while to buy it. Watch sales fliers for a better offer or an opportunity to use a coupon, rebate or other discount. Buy at the lowest price.
- When (I say "when" because it will happen) one of your children suddenly decides he would rather ask for a different gizmo (approximately 42 hours before the big day)...remind him that he has already mailed his letter or talked to Santa.
- Listen to your children. Kids talk about what they are excited about. If I noted other items on a child's Wish List that seemed really important, I made sure it was under our tree (or at least under Grandma's tree). In addition, each child gets a few little things she/he didn't ask for. I've usually collected these over the year when I noted clearance or other sales on items my kids would enjoy. They have always been excited about the gifts under the tree, maybe in part because they've always gotten the "One Thing" they've asked for!