If you are just getting started on a Natural and Organic (or other special) Diet, you may be only beginning to discover what foods your family will eat. Once you've found a foods you, your spouse and your off-spring love, you may be able to reduce the amount you are spending by buying from sources, other than grocery stores. Below are four you can start with:
- amazon--This retailer carries lots of packaged items. When our son found GFCF pretzels he couldn't live without, I searched for any place that carried the 8 oz bag for anything less than $3.50. Eventually, I realized I could order a case of 12 bags for around $30. I later discovered I could "Subscribe and Save". Every three months a case was shipped to our house automatically for an additional 10% savings. Shipping was free because I spent more than $25. I noted prices for heavy items (like flour) were overpriced and assumed the inflated price allowed the retailer to make a profit while still shipping for "free". Seventh Generation diapers and other products are also available. You'll only use this retailer for items your family loves because you must buy an entire case.
- Quail Cove Farms--Although I have not used this food source, a number of folks I know have and each has reported lower prices and great quality. View the current flier online, place your order and pick-up items at your local distributor's house. Items are usually much less expensive than grocery stores, especially when items are purchased in larger quantities. Prior to ordering, verify you will be available to pick-up your items on delivery day. Also, consider combining your order with friends or family members if this enables you to purchase items by the case at the lower price.
- Bread Becker's--Although I would not consider this retailer to offer the lowest price on most items, you may be able to order specific items for less than local retailers sell them. Hopefully, you now have a price book, which you can look at as you comparison "shop" on this website. Note: Shipping is NOT free.
- Relay Foods--No time to get to the store this week? Relay Foods is local (Richmond and Charlottesville only). Order items online by mid-night and have them delivered to a specific location in your area (see website for locations). Click on "Store" (left-hand side of page) and select "Good Foods Grocery". Although I haven't seen any spectacular prices, I have noticed occasional Val Pak coupons for up to 10% off. You may want to use this retailer when you have a coupon.
As I have said before, no single retailer is going to offer the lowest price on every item. Pick and choose what you get from each to really see your grocery bill shrink! Happy and Healthy Shopping!