Friday, July 22, 2011

Pudding Pops Recipe

Have you ever noticed that refrigerated and frozen items are so expensive in your grocery store?  Take pudding for example.  You can pick up a 4-ct package for around a buck in the regular idles, or snag a 6-ct package for $3 in the refrigerated section.  Yikes!  What a difference in price!  Frozen pudding on a stick, can cost even more.  Manufacturer's spend more to store and transport items that are not self stable.  Retailers obviously spend more to keep items cold.   Guess who they pass these costs onto?  Keep some of your hard-earned cash by refrigerating or freezing your own pudding.  Two simple options are:

  1. Buy 4-ct Pudding in the grocery idle.  Separate cups and place a Popsicle stick in each. (You can purchase these at craft stores or get 100 for $1 at the Dollar Tree.)  Transfer to your freezer. 
  2. Buy a box of instant pudding.  Add milk (according to package directions).  Freeze in Popsicle molds (leave a little room for expansion) or small cups (insert Popsicle sticks prior to freezing) or even ice cube trays (use toothpicks for sticks).  Transfer to your freezer.  NOTE:  for layered varieties, mix at least two types of pudding.  Spoon into molds, alternating flavors.