If you have just begun to change to a more organic diet, you have probably noted the higher costs for specific items. Milk, or example can run 2.5 to nearly 4x the cost of non-organic varieties. Don't let these figures deter you. You may never find equal prices on specific items however, your new diet should lead to other savings. For example, you will most likely be removing the following from your family's menu:
- Fast Food (this can be a huge savings, because the food served is rarely nutritious yet costs more than cooking at home)
- Take-Out and Dine-In Restaurants (most will not offer organic options, those that do will charge more than you would spend making the meal at home)
- Packaged meals (also available in Organic varieties, however extremely expensive)
- Candy (Organic or not, candy offers very little, if any nutritional value, don't waste your money on this item.)
- Soda (Same as candy)
- Chips
- Coffee
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Snack Crackers
- Most Desserts
- Etc.
Furthermore, if you are choosing to live a more natural lifestyle, you will benefit from eliminating these non-food items from your household.
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner (use vinegar)
- Air Fresheners (boil orange peels or cinnamon sticks)
- Lotion
- Toothpaste with fluoride (consider using baking soda instead)
- Hair color (go natural instead)
- Oven cleaner
- Fabric Softeners (really not needed if you are using a clothes dryer anyway)
The amount you spend each week will decrease as you avoid these items completely. Use the savings to purchase the organic (or natural) items you desire to have your family eat.